Think affirmations don't work? Think again. I'm thrilled to be able to share this post from guest blogger,
Angie Noll, an amazing Intuitive Life Coach from Auckland, New Zealand. I love her take on this and I think you will, too.
Desperate Affirmations
by Angie Noll
Are you doing your daily affirmations? Or are you being your daily affirmations?
Some people say that affirmations don’t work. Perhaps you’re one of the people who think that doing affirmations is a waste of time and that all this “positive thinking” stuff is just nonsense. After all, who has ever increased their bank balance by repeating, “Money flows easily into my life” over and over? Who has ever dropped down to their ideal weight by repeating, “I am now at my ideal body weight”?
No one, you say.
And you’d be right.
Doing affirmations versus being affirmations - There’s a subtle difference between doing affirmations and being affirmations, and it goes deeper than just “living from the end result.” It’s this difference that causes some people to say that affirmations don’t work, while they work just fine for others. The former are “doing” their affirmations while the latter are “being” their affirmations.
When we’re doing our affirmations, there’s a sense of desperation in needing them to be true for us, because when we’re repeating, “I now allow money to flow into my life,” while the money clearly is not flowing into our lives, it creates a problem inside of us. A problem that our body cannot ignore.
We can trick the mind into thinking new thoughts, but these new thoughts won’t become ingrained patterns, or truths, for us, if our body doesn’t also believe in them. And our body isn’t easily fooled. Our body knows the truth – it knows that our bank account is still as empty as it was before. Hence that feeling of desperation that we feel when we’re repeatedly telling ourselves something that obviously isn’t true.
The problem of Incongruence -
The problem that we create by saying affirmations that simply aren’t true for us, and that we can’t make ourselves believe to be true for us, is one of incongruence.
In other words, our body feels uncomfortable when our mind is trying to convince it of something that simply isn’t so. That’s why we feel false when we’re doing affirmations that are not true.
That’s also why being our affirmations – making them true for us in our mind and in our body – is so important to creating the success we desire.
How can we authentically be our affirmations?
Being our affirmations in an authentic manner, one that will feel true in our body while we say it, will create a state of internal congruence. Everything will work together and be true. What our mind says and what our body feels will be in harmony.
And only then will affirmations create the end result they’re supposed to create for you.
But how do you do this? How do you affirm to yourself that money is now flowing into your life in an authentic way when it clearly isn’t?
Well, obviously, you don’t.
What you can do, however, is make your affirmation broad enough to be true for you. Hence repeating, “I am abundant in every way” might feel truer for you, and therefore create a state of congruence between your mind and your body and it will still bring about the same result. Money is, after all, a form of abundance, is it not?
By keeping your affirmation general enough to be true for you, you can authentically open yourself up to all forms of abundance, including money.
So when you feel the sunshine on your face or when you enjoy the Starbucks coffee you have and recognize these as proof of abundance in your life, then you’re authentically being abundant. Even when you enjoy a tasty meal, a good book, great health, a walk on the beach or an after-work gym session, and you recognize these as forms of abundance, you’re still being authentically abundant.
Your body won’t feel any discomfort when you go through your day recognizing all the abundance that you experience, while simultaneously affirming to yourself that you are abundant. Then your body says, ‘Yes, I am abundant.’
And what you are, you attract more of. So the more abundance you recognize in your day, which is then congruent with the affirmation in your mind, the more your energetic vibration is one of abundance. And when you approach it like this, you won’t even be able to avoid abundance coming into your life, because you attract what you are energetically.
But the secret is in creating this state of congruence between your mind and your body. When your body feels like it’s being lied to, then you can repeat your affirmations until you’re blue in the face – you won’t attract anything except more incongruence.
Your Turn:
Take the affirmations that you’re currently working on, or create some to help you achieve something if you’re not already working with affirmations. Just pick one for now.
Write it in the specific form, and then next to it, write it in the more general form. Try saying them out loud a few times, and see for yourself if you can feel the incongruency that an affirmation that is obviously untrue creates in your body.
Then try saying the more general one, the one that you can find proof for in your life to back it up with. Can you feel how much easier this one is? How much more congruent and true it is?
As always, if you need more help with affirmations, contact me.
**Author Bio**
Angie Noll is an Intuitive Life Coach who has worked with people from all corners of the globe. Her coaching service is a unique combination of life coaching and channelling messages from the Angels. She has helped people with problems ranging from personal development to entrepreneurship. Described as being “highly effective” and “life-changing” for her clients, Angie brings passion, integrity and a heart-centred focus to her coaching sessions.
Subscribe to her newsletter and receive her free “Easy 4-step Manifestation Process” to start changing your life today.